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  2. Open-Source @Heavybit

Open-Source @Heavybit

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3 min

This week in Portland is Oscon, the annual celebration of open source software, architecture, frameworks, and tools for today’s engineers.

We couldn’t be there ourselves, so instead we’ve assembled a list of some open source projects our members have contributed to the community that we think you’ll find valuable in your own work.

Keen IO

  • Explorer – An open source point-and-click interface for querying and visualizing your event data.
  • PingPong – Open-source analytics for anything with a URL
  • Common-web – Turn web user activity into a analyzable stream of JSON event data
  • Dashboard Templates – Responsive dashboard templates for Bootstrap


  • Healthcheck – A simple heathcheck function that can be used to monitor your application


  • pg_shard – PostgreSQL extension to scale out real-time reads and writes
  • cstore_fdw – Columnar store for analytics with PostgreSQL


  • Dredd – HTTP API testing framework
  • API Blueprint – API definition format
  • MSON – Markdown syntax for object notation
  • Gavel – HTTP validator specification and documentation
  • Hyperdrive – Generic Hypermedia API client in Swift
  • Snowcrash – API Blueprint parser
  • Apiary CLI Client – A command line tool for developing and previewing API Blueprint documents locally
  • Aglio – An API Blueprint renderer with theme support that outputs static HTML


  • Queue Classic – Simple, efficient worker queue for Ruby & PostgreSQL


  • firmware – Firmware for Particle Devices: Spark Core (master branch) and Photon (develop branch)
  • spark-dev – Particle Dev: a professional, hackable IDE for Particle, based on Github’s Atom


  • stripe-ios – Stripe bindings for iOS and OS X
  • jquery.payment – A general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.
  • stripe-node – Stripe API for node.js
  • einhorn – The language-independent shared socket manager


  • gradle – A powerful build system for the JVM
  • gradle-talks – A javascript based custom slide and build framework for presentations


  • meteor – An ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-Javascript web framework.
  • react-packages – Meteor packages for a great React developer experience
  • babel – Babel wrapper packaged for use with Meteor

Here at Heavybit we understand the important role open-source software plays in building great commercial products, particularly at developer tool companies. We value the communities that emerge around open-source projects, and we see some of the values that define open-source as critical elements of all great software.

We also use several popular tools for our own websites and community projects, including Sinatra, WordPress, Jekyll, and Bootstrap, to name a few.

What have you contributed to the open-source community? Let us know on Twitter.