1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #53

DevToolsDigest: Issue #53

Today's digest includes news and resources from DevGuild, RainforestQA, Stripe, Pantheon, and more.

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Heavybit's DevToolsDigest is a weekly curated selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the developer tools industry.

    2 MIN

    The Day in Developer Tools

    Fred Stevens-Smith, CEO of Rainforest QA on 52 Founders

    Though it’s a longer than normal episode, be sure to catch the end of the show. Fred shares two favorite startups (one of which is a future podcast interviewee!), and how his family’s iMac inspired Fred to be a designer.

    APIs as infrastructure: future-proofing Stripe with versioning

    When it comes to APIs, change isn’t popular. While software developers are used to iterating quickly and often, API developers lose that flexibility as soon as even one user starts consuming their interface. In this article, Stripe shares how they manage API versions.

    Announcing DevGuild: Pricing Strategy, on Nov. 15, 2017

    Whether you’re selling to individual developers, teams or the enterprise - effective pricing is key. But most SaaS founders price too low or wait too long to drive up their ACV. Join Heavybit, Reify and 100+ leading founders and execs to discuss how they’ve priced and packaged their developer and infrastructure products for growth and profitability.

    Website Security: Why You Need HTTPS

    HTTPS, SSL, TSL: Whatever you call it, it’s no longer just a nice-to-have; not having it can actively hurt your business. Learn why HTTPS matters and how to get it.

    A Guide To The Heavybit Library

    The Heavybit Library is an extensive catalog of hundreds of hours of expert presentations, insightful podcasts, and written blog posts focused on helping you take your developer product to market. Learn more about what it offers in this helpful guide.

    From The Heavybit Archive

    Land and Expand Strategies at GitHub and New Relic

    In his Heavybit talk, Brian Doll shares bottom-up sales approaches & messaging considerations for moving into the enterprise. He recommends a ‘do things and tell people’ approach as a critical component of developer marketing and provides actionable tips for companies looking to grow.