1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #61

DevToolsDigest: Issue #61

Today's digest includes news and resources from

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Heavybit's DevToolsDigest is a weekly curated selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the developer tools industry.

    3 MIN

    The Day in Developer Tools

    Real-time CDN switching with Mux and Cedexis

    Video publishing sometimes feels like a Rube Goldberg machine. To get a single video to play back successfully, a dozen different systems need to play nicely together: websites, players, browsers, ISPs, CDNs, network operators, cloud providers, encoders, standards bodies, content producers, and more. And underlying a single video delivery are dozens of individual computers, spinning disks, and network links. (Yes, even The Cloud uses computers.)

    Kubeless brings functions as a service to Kubernetes & on-prem

    One of the primary goals of the serverless framework is to provide a platform-agnostic cloud experience for developers.

    The team wants it to be easy for people to write code once and have the freedom to choose where that code runs.

    That's why they were super excited to announce a brand new serverless provider Kubeless to expand where your functions can run.

    Databases and Distributed Deadlocks: A FAQ

    Since Citus is a distributed database, they often hear questions about distributed transactions. Specifically, people ask them about transactions that modify data living on different machines.

    So Citus started to work on distributed transactions. They identified distributed deadlock detection as the building block to enable distributed transactions in Citus.

    Playing with Node.js and the Runscope API on Glitch

    From Runscope's Heitor Tashiro Sergent: I've been wanting to create a project on Glitch for quite some time. Glitch is a startup/product/friendly community where you can create and remix Node.js projects, use an online code editor to personalize them, and you don't have to worry about hosting or deployment. And it's free! It's a really great way to start a project and prototype an idea, without having to worry about those million little things that can get in the way of your dream app.

    Serverless computing may kill Google Cloud Platform

    Unless Google can get its serverless act together, it may end up winning the container battle but losing the cloud war.

    From The Heavybit Archive

    Christine Yen at DevGuild: Baking DX Into Your Culture

    When building for developers, many of us start by scratching our own itches. That's great for pulling together an MVP — and doing some interesting engineering along the way — but it's all too easy to get wrapped up in the functionality of the thing and lose sight of what it's like to be on the other side of your API.

    To prevent your shiny new tool from being reduced to just a set of inputs and outputs, Christine explores best practices worth baking into your team's culture — and how to carry those principles through growth and change.