1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #40

DevToolsDigest: Issue #40

Find lots of updates from the Serverless community in the latest edition of the DevToolsDigest, including the Serverless Snyk Plugin, and V1.1 of the Serverless Framework. Check out Netlify’s Site of the Week page for inspiration for your next JAMstack site, and read Between The Wires – a new interview series featuring founders of developer product companies.

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Heavybit's DevToolsDigest is a weekly curated selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the developer tools industry.


Find lots of updates from the Serverless community in the latest edition of the DevToolsDigest, including the Serverless Snyk Plugin, and V1.1 of the Serverless Framework. Check out Netlify’s Site of the Week page for inspiration for your next JAMstack site, and read Between The Wires – a new interview series featuring founders of developer product companies.

Serverless Snyk Plugin

Around 14% of npm packages carry a known vulnerability, and new vulnerabilities are being discovered every day. The Serverless Snyk plugin helps you keep your application secure by allowing you to check the Node.js dependencies in your Serverless app for known vulnerabilities using Snyk. Check out the project on GitHub.

Netlify’s Site of the Week

Every week Netlify highlights someone in their community building something great with the JAMstack. Check out the latest Site of the Week featuring Mercury, a toolkit by Postlight that allows you to automatically generate AMP pages from your content.

If you’d like to learn more about AMP, watch this talk on getting started with AMP from a recent CircleCI Office Hours event.

Serverless Framework V1.1

In other Serverless news, Heavybit member Serverless Inc. released V1.1 of the Serverless Framework. This update allows you to invoke functions locally, rollback deployments based on timestamps in your S3 bucket, pin your Serverless version in your serverless.yml file, and more. Check out the full release on the Serverless blog.

Between The Wires

Check out this new series Between The Wires that features interviews with founders building developer products. The first two interviews feature Guillermo Rauch, and Evan You. Guillermo is the founder of zeit.co, a company that seeks to make cloud deployment simple, global, and real time. Evan You is the creator of vuejs.org, a progressive JavaScript framework, and previously worked at Heavybit member company Meteor.

New From Heavybit

Episode #26 of To Be Continuous finds Edith and Paul discussing the prickly process of scaling your organization, and timing that process to the right point in your growth.

In episode #4 of The Secure Developer, Guy Podjarny talks with Eric Lawrence, of the Google Chrome security team, about building a more secure web starting at the browser.

Learn about building accessibility into your websites and apps, specifically the media you embed there. Episode #3 of Demuxed features special guest Owen Edwards of the SSB Bart Group.

We published video of the panel that followed our recent Developer Product Design Speaker Series. The panel features four incredibly experienced founders and product managers from Squarespace, Keen IO, Docker, and Mux discussing common mistakes made when taking your developer product to market.

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