1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #254

DevToolsDigest: Issue #254

This week's digest includes news and resources from Google, OpenAI, Mobot, Nango, and more.

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Heavybit's DevToolsDigest is a weekly curated selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the developer tools industry.

    3 MIN

    The Week in Developer Tools

    Google Announces Its New Large Language Model for A.I.

    Google said it has built a new general-purpose large language model called PaLM 2 that can generate a wide variety of human-like text in response to human input. The model is skilled at math, software development, language translation reasoning and natural language generation.

    10 Ways ChatGPT and Generative AI Can Strengthen Zero Trust

    ChatGPT and generative AI can be used to create “muscle memory,” or immediate reflex, in cybersecurity teams to stop breaches. The Cloud Security Alliance released its first-ever ChatGPT Guidance Paper during RSAC 2023 calling on the industry to improve AI roadmap collaboration.

    Industry Research

    Why is OAuth Still Hard in 2023?

    OAuth is a standard protocol. Right? And there are client libraries for OAuth 2.0 available in basically every programming language you can imagine. You might conclude that, armed with a client library, you would be able to implement OAuth for any API in about 10 minutes. Or at least in an hour.

    How to Monetize Top vs. Long-tail Customers in Software

    The current volatile economy is forcing companies to rethink their monetization models to secure margins and boost profitability. Software companies need to prioritize the development of best-in-class models to maintain and improve their profitability.

    Developer Venture News

    OpenAI Closes $300M Share Sale at $27B-29B Valuation

    "They're probably trying to use this [funding] to say hey, look, we found a golden apple," a source said of the decision to back OpenAI here and now. "Venture is a very strange place where anything can happen. You can go big to broke to big again, at any time."

    Series D Hits Lowest Point In Years. What Does That Mean?

    The lack of large exits lately, combined with falling tech valuations and slower startup investment, has made the case for funding a Series D round much harder in recent months. These factors have contributed to pushing U.S. investment at this stage to its lowest point in years.

    From the Heavybit Library

    How It's Tested Ep. #1: A Closer Look at Product Testing with Ian Brillembourg of Plunk

    In this debut episode of How It’s Tested, Eden Full Goh of Mobot speaks with Ian Brillembourg of Plunk. Together they explore product testing processes, insights on utilizing AI-driven data as part of quality assurance, and lessons on striking a balance between web teams and mobile teams within a modern organization.

    Recession Proof Revenue with Kevin Kinkor and Todd Lathrope

    More than ever, sales efficiency and revenue forecasting is being scrutinized. In this special Sales Master Class session, Kevin Kinkor and Todd Lathrop dig into building a recession proof revenue org at your early stage startup.