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5 Useful Tools for Creating Developer and Startup Content

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2 min

After looking at patterns in 70 popular blogs using this blog harvester script, Takipi founder Iris Shoor grew her Takipi blog from zero to 70,000 unique visitors per month. Here are 5 tools she shared in a recent Heavybit presentation that help her maintain her stellar audience numbers.

  1. Google Autocorrect: One pattern Shoor noticed was that conflict-related posts were incredibly popular. One way she identifies the best conflicts to write about, is to use Google autocorrect.She’ll often type a programming language or tool into Google search with “vs” appended to the entry. From here she looks to Google autocorrect to offer her the most popular queries as a good start for her writing.
  2. Places to Post Your Startup: Shoor follows the Github list of Places to Post Your Startup. In some cases she might use it to post about a startup launch and in other cases she’ll submit simple product releases.
  3. Reddit Tracking: She tracks reddit.com/domain/www.takipiblog.com to find out which subreddits are most engaged in her site. Just type your domain into the URL as she does to check out how your own site is doing.
  4. Wikipedia Tracking: Shoor uses stats.grok.se to find out which Wikipedia pages she should be updating related to her company. She also contributes non-Takipi articles so that her submissions aren’t completely self-promotional.
  5. Content Hub Template: The Takipi team built Java is Cool — a landing page devoted to Java that drives people to useful resources, news and events while still offering a link back to the Takipi signup page. Shoor was kind enough to make the template for her design available for download. Other companies can register a new domain, replace the text and images of each featured influencer, and fill in the template with news and events that are relevant to their own communities.